Tuesday, December 17, 2013

   I always take my baked goodies to the local police department. I have since I started the bakery years ago. They don't get the credit they deserve. I made them a fudge candy pie. I also took a basket and a plate of fudge cut-outs to my wonderful attorney. I am so blessed to live in a quaint, small Kentucky town. I might write a book about it one day.
   For more #authorfacts, I am  sky-rocketing an author consulting firm, entitled, Simply Success Services. I am very excited about it. For a trial, I will be helping authors for free. Many asked me for my marketing plans and asked how I was able to make almost 50K this year alone. I am always busy writing and testing new recipes, so was hesitant, but I finally decided to leap out and brave new waters. We'll see how it does.

1 comment:

  1. Love is putting others first over your own wants or needs. Love is having a cord of three strands God,husband,wife..Love is what Jesus did for us when he died on the cross..


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Blessings in Christ,

Chef Sicily